Helping small business

Small business owners can access publicly available information about a large business's payment terms and payment times.

Australian small businesses employ almost half of the Australian workforce.

Reducing long and late payment times to small business can help improve their cash flow and boost employment and wages.

Scheme aim

The Payment Times Reporting Scheme aims to improve payment times for Australian small businesses.

It creates transparency on how and when large businesses pay their small business suppliers.

Reporting entities

Under the scheme, large businesses and some government enterprises (known as reporting entities) must report every 6 months on their payment times and terms to small businesses.

These reports include information on:

  • standard payment terms
  • actual payment times and
  • the use of supply chain finance arrangements.

Small Business Identification (SBI) Tool

The SBI Tool identifies which suppliers are considered to be a small business for a payment times report.

For information on how a small business can opt out of the tool, see Opting out.

View payment times reports

Payments times reports are published to the public on the Payment Times Reports Register.

Any small business owner can use the register to find information on a reporting entity’s payment practices to small business. This includes average payment terms and payment times.

The register is free to access and does not require an account or log in. 

For tips on how to use the dashboard and the downloadable data file, see:

Report non-compliance

Small businesses, company officers and employees, and members of the public can report non-compliance to the Regulator.

Contact the Regulator to report non-compliance.

Payment times complaints

The Payment Times Reporting Regulator answers enquiries about the register and payment times reporting.

To submit a complaint about a large business’s payment times to a small business, visit the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.

Related information