Payment Times Reports Register dashboard now available

23 December 2021

The Payment Times Reports Register dashboard has been released. The dashboard visually shows how reporting entities pay their small business suppliers.

You can use the dashboard to find and compare:

  • payment terms offered to small businesses by reporting businesses
  • actual payment times for reporting businesses
  • average payment terms from all reports.

The dashboard presents data from the register and currently has 2 pages.

  • Home page lets you quickly search for payment times reports from a particular business. You can also view average payment terms from all available reports so far – the average shortest, average longest and overall average term for small business.
  • Payment times reports page shows you all the information in a payment times report. You can also select more than one business at a time to compare their payment information.

The Payment Times Reports Register is also available as a downloadable Excel file.

We’ll be adding more features to the register and value any feedback you may have. You can get in touch using our feedback and enquiry form.

You can access the register and the dashboard on the Payment Times Reports Register website.