The Payment Times Reports Register has been updated to include payment times information for the reporting period ending 30 June 2023. There are now over 46,000 reports on the register from more than 10,000 reporting entities.
Payment times reports are published as submitted by reporting entities. In some cases after screening, the Payment Times Reporting Regulator may remove information from a report that is not in the public interest before publishing updates to the register.
Using the register
The updated register data file and interactive dashboard is available on the Payment Times Reports Register website.
The fastest way to a find payment information about a business is to use the dashboard to search by their Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN). The dashboard shows payment information for a searched business. Users can select more than one business to compare payment information.
The register data file can be downloaded for analysis at no charge.
What’s next?
The next Regulator’s Update is planned for late January 2024 and will include analysis and insights into payment practices.